Preparing to Sell
Selling your property
Property preperation

When marketing your home, there is likely to be many similar properties vying for the attention of prospective buyers. 

It is therefore critical that you aim for immaculate presentation. Remember – it only takes 4 seconds to make a first impression.   For some, it only takes 30 seconds to make a decision.  Not only will careful preparation increase the final selling price, but it will have the bonus of hastening the sale. Here are a few steps that can improve the property presentation.

Curb-side Appeal

A welcoming exterior is a wonderful thing to come home to each day.  Spending a few hours ensuring your property looks good from the street can pay dividends down the track. It helps create a great first impression and sets the right tone. It is important this looks great throughout the duration of the campaign, as people drive by at all hours of the day and night.

Make Necessary Repairs to your Home

Sometimes cosmetic repairs take a while to complete, so it is worth getting onto these early. For instance, if your kitchen or bathroom need a refresh, perhaps the walls need to be painted, you need new tiles or the floorboards need to be sanded, getting onto these jobs well in advance of your property going on the market is a smart idea.

And don’t forget the garden!

Declutter and remove Personal Items

You want buyers to be able to visualise themselves in your property; to feel an emotional connection. It is hard to do this if all your knick-knacks and family photos are scattered throughout the property. This is not to say everything has to go, it just needs to be refined.

Spring Clean the Entire Property

A sparkling property is a must have when selling your home. Spending time cleaning every corner of your property is time well spent - and yes, that does mean inside all your drawers and cupboards as buyers sometimes like to open these up for a peek inside. 

Professional Styling

Professional styling can improve the final sale price of a property, it certainly attracts prospective buyers.
